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Your search found 42 results in Health & Social Studies

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Open Learning

Open Learning

Introduction to Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings

Social Services, Children and Young People
Aimed at people who are entering the field of healthcare, social care, early years provision or childcare for the first time. Relevant to a wide range of care setting roles, and would beideal introductory course for support workers, domiciliary and residential care workers, health care assistants, early years practioners, youth workers a...
Open Learning

Certificate in Understanding the Care & Management of Diabetes

Around 4 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes (WHO). There are also thought to be around 850,000 people with undiagnosed diabetes. Although there is no cure for diabetes, careful management of the condition can help maintain blood sugar levels and control symptoms. This course helps learners apply good practice rela...
Open Learning

Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health

Child Care SCQF Level 9 (Modern Apprenticeship)
Statistics show that the prevalence of mental ill health among children and young people is increasing. One in eight people aged 5 to 19 now have a diagnosable mental health condition, such as an anxiety disorder, depression or a conduct disorder. This equates to three in every classroom! Appropriate support and understanding are vital. W...
Open Learning

Understanding the Safe Handling of Medicines

Poor practice in relation to the administration of medicines can lead to serious errors being made and ultimately cause injury to people using health and social care services. Therefore, it’s essential that care staff understand procedures for handling medicines safely and that they follow safe practice guidelines when dealing with medi...
Open Learning

Awareness of Dementia

Social Care
There are approximately 850,000 people in the United Kingdom who have some form of dementia, with numbers expected to rise above one million by 2025. This course is designed for anyone who wishes to improve their knowledge and understanding of the condition and of how to apply the principles of ‘person-centred dementia care’.This cour...
Open Learning

Understanding End of Life Care

End of life care
The course will be ideal for health and social care workers who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of end of life care and palliative care. It also has relevance to all types of care settings, including hospices, care homes, care in the community and primary care.The course aims to develop the learner’s knowledge and unde...
Open Learning

Mental Health Awareness

Understanding Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace
Mental health concerns how we think, feel and behave and mental health problems can affect anyone. In fact, as many as one in four people in the UK will be diagnosed with a mental health issue at some point in their lives. This figure indicates that most people will have firsthand experience of mental distress, whether it be themselves or...
Open Learning

Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace

Understanding Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace
Aimed at anyone wanting to increase their knowledge and understanding of mental ill health and how to support people experiencing mental distress. This course is particularly helpful to individuals, managers and organisations wishing to assess and improve mental well being in the workplace or learning environment.Mental Health First aid ...
Open Learning

Understanding Equality and Diversity

Understanding Equality and Diversity
The changing and diverse nature of our communities poses many challenges for individuals, groups and employers throughout the UK. In order to allow the social inclusion of all people in society, there is a need to bring equality, diversity and rights issues into the mainstream so that they are no longer viewed as something only affecting ...
Open Learning

Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent

Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
Safeguarding is not a static subject. New threats emerge and better ways of working are developed that help to reduce the likelihood of harm and abuse happening to children and young people. The ‘new threats’ of our time include cyber-bullying and cyberstalking, as well as online grooming for sexual exploitation. They also include the...