The part-time fee grant gives help each year towards the cost of your learning. The maximum fee grant available is £1274.00. The amount of Fee Grant will depend on the number of SCQF credits undertaken.
To qualify:
- You must have an individual annual income of £25000 or less
- Study at a Scottish Institution on a part-time Higher Education course, Professional Development Award (PDA) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at levels 7 – 10 of the Scottish Credit & Qualification Framework (SCQF)
- Undertake between 30 – 119 SCQF credits per year
- Must not receive other support eg ITA (Individual Training Account), Modern Apprentice Scheme, or SAAS fulltime funding in the same year
- not currently receiving support through the Fee Waiver scheme.
How To Apply:
- You must have a place on a course before completing an application
- Download a copy of the Part-time Fee Grant (PFG1) application from the SAAS website. You should also download the notes (PTFG2) to help you complete the applications
- Your application must be with SAAS no later than six months from the start date of your course. Late applications will be rejected by SAAS
- There are also “certification of income” forms in the SAAS Forms and Guides section that can be used to help give evidence of your income.