Our Performance Indicators for 2022/23

Dumfries and Galloway College’s Performance Indicators demonstrate student attainment which enabled a significant number of those studying with us to gain their qualification.  This means that our students are well placed to be able to progress to further study or move into employment in their chosen subject.

The courses we offer are full time and part time qualification, our courses are either –

  • further education (FE) courses which are our National Certificate or National Qualification qualifications
  • higher education (HE) course which are our Higher National Certificate or Higher National Diploma qualifications.

Our Pass Rate

The information, below, identifies the number of students that pass our qualifications, this figure is referred to as ‘completed successful’.

Most of our students are part-time and an impressive 85.6% of our part time FE students passed and 82.3% of our part time HE students passed in academic year 2022/23.

In terms of our full-time students 65.3% FE students passed and 74.1% of our full time HE students passed.

If you wish to look at our performance in detail you will find it on the following 9 pages, the key to the terms used is as follows –

Withdrawal (EW) – indicates that a student has withdrawn from a course of study. prior to the funding qualifying date.

Completed partial success (PS) – indicates that the student completed the course; however, the student may have gained some of the required subjects but not the whole qualification.

Completed successful (CS) – indicates that a student completed the course and gained the qualification they were aiming for.


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