Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care


All local authorities are required, by law, to record and monitor ‘safeguarding concerns’ in their area.

This course explores two key principles that everyone who works within health and social care should strive to uphold. The first principle is that of promoting and respecting an individual’s dignity. The second principle is that of safeguarding an individual’s right to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. These two fundamental principles are interlinked.

Learners will also explore issues relating to duty of care within the context of adult health and social care. You will gain an understanding of possible conflicts and dilemmas faced between duty of care and individuals rights. You will also be able to recognise and report unsafe practice and understand the impact of own actions on individuals and others.

The course also provides employers with a structured training programme that will meet the training needs of their employees, giving peace of mind that staff are equipped with the knowledge they need to help safeguard individuals’ rights and to protect them from harm and abuse.

Course code





It will involve 145 hours of personal learning to complete. Most students complete the course in 25 weeks, averaging almost 6 hours of personal learning per week.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements.

Additional Entry Requirements


Course Content

The course comprises four units that are presented in two concise module workbooks:

Unit 01: Understand safeguarding in adult health and social care
Unit 02: Principles of dignity in adult health and social care practice

Unit 03: Understand duty of care in adult health and social care
Unit 04: Understand dilemmas and public concerns in adult health and social care for those involved in incidents of behaviour that challenges


Learners will be provided with all necessary workbooks to complete the programme and will be required to work through a series of tasks and activities designed to reinforce the learning process and test their knowledge. The learning materials include an assessment, which allows learners to demonstrate achievement of all learning outcomes associated with each unit. Learning is done remotely, and assessments are submitted online via the college’s LearnNet learning portal.


Learners will be able to further their own continuous professional development, which may improve their career prospects, or allow them to progress on to further qualifications such as courses in health and social care or related subjects.

Course Contact Details

E: openlearning@dumgal.ac.uk
T:01387 734199

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