Numeracy @ SCQF Level 5


Delivered via Open Learning

SQA code: F3GF 11

This Unit seeks to develop skills of interpretation and communication of graphical information and application of a wide range of numerical skills in everyday and straightforward, generalised contexts.

Numeracy at SCQF level 5 is about applying numerical skills in personal, workplace, social, and educational situations that involve graphical information, calculations, and solving problems. At this level, learners must understand tables, graphs, charts, and diagrams; communicate information graphically; and apply a wide range of numerical skills.

** FUNDING AVAILABLE ** This course is FREE for People overe 16 and live in Dumfries & Galloway – funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to provide a supportive environment to help individuals build confidence in Maths. Contact to book your place

Course code





Minimum 40 hours




Location: Open Learning
ONU2 – Numeracy @ SCQF 5 – 01 Feb 2025 09:00
ONU2 – ONU2 – Numeracy @ SCQF 5 – 01 Mar 2025 09:00

Entry Requirements

A good level of mathematics is required to undertake this unit.

Additional Entry Requirements

As there will be online learning throughout the course so appropriate technology will be required to undertake your studies.

Course Content

Students studying at this level of Numeracy will be expected to:

solve problems involving at least one numerical or statistical concept, eg. quantitative and qualitative data, discrete and continuous data, numbers represented by symbols, or a statistical concept such as range

decide which operations are to be carried out to solve a problem, and the order in which to carry them out

carry out a number of sustained calculations or at least one specialised calculation, eg a calculation involving a scientific formula to determine an outcome

interpret information from a single complex graphical form or a series of straightforward related graphical forms

Learners will round answers to an appropriate degree of accuracy, eg two decimal places or three significant figures.


Assessment is coursework based, with learners compiling an Assessment Porfolio comprising a selection of correct answers to a number of set questions.

Additional funding information

Maths is really important in life, especially right now. Good maths skills are essential for better job prospects, higher wages and improved wellbeing. They also make everyday tasks like budgeting, understanding interest rates, and helping your child with homework much easier.

A new, free maths support programme for people over 16 has launched in Dumfries and Galloway, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. This programme offers a supportive environment to help you build confidence in maths.

If you live in Dumfries and Galloway and are over 16 years of age this course is fully funded through the Multiply programme. To access the funding please contact

If you live out with Dumfries and Galloway and would like to proceed with the booking, follow link to complete the process.

Course Contact Details

Telephone: 01387 734233

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