Renewable Energy Practical Skills SFW @ SCQF Level 5

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This exciting new hands-on award in Renewable Energy is designed to incorporate alternative energy systems installed in the College’s new Green Energy Centre and is designed to allow candidates to learn the theory behind alternative energy production and storage as well as to learn the skills required to design, build and evaluate these systems.

Course code



Dumfries Campus


This College Academy course is one half day per week.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course, but you will need to demonstrate a real interest in the renewables industry, be committed to learning new skills and to have consistent and full attendance throughout the course.

Information and Interview Session Requirements

There is no requirement for an interview for this course, but you should have a basic knowledge and an interest in the industry with a view to potentially looking to have a career within it if you would like to join this course

Course Content

This level four course will discuss various methods of renewable energy production as well as the storage of energy and will include a hands-on approach to designing, building, evaluating and improving various renewable energy systems.


Assessments will be by project, practical exercises, e-learning and some theory assessment.


Progression from this course will be to a higher-level course in Electrical and Renewable energy, an apprenticeship in a related area or to the Engineering Systems and Wind Turbine Technician Training course.

Career Prospects

Employment within any part of the Electrical Engineering or Renewable sectors.
Renewable Engineering employers and agencies are predicting thousands of jobs for maintenance technicians in the renewable sector over the forthcoming years.

Additional funding information


Course Contact Details

Michelle Hodgson – email

Selling Points

This qualification is an excellent stepping stone into the renewable industry or to a higher level course at the College.
The practical builds in this course will make it a very enjoyable and interesting course that will also improve handskills, teamworking and problem solving skills and provide a great insight into how these renewable systems actually work.

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