Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children and Young People @ SCQF Level 6


This is course is designed for secondary school students that are considering a career in working with children and young people. It is an ideal programme for S6 pupils interested in this sector and is studied as one of your school subjects.

Early childhood experiences are now widely recognised as playing a key role in future life chances and achievement for children. Early Learning & Childcare practitioners can make a meaningful difference to the lives and outcomes of young learners.

Pursuing a career in Early Learning and Childcare sector can be a rewarding and exciting profession with a clear progression pathway.

This course will help you gain knowledge, practical skills and qualities for working with children and young people. The course programme ensures that as well as attending college classes, you will also undertake a placement in early years setting.

Don’t worry about getting to and from college/placement – your transport arrangements and costs will be covered.

The programme provides an advantage to those undertaking it by either demonstrating to employers that they have the skill set they require or by supporting opportunities to progress further at college or university.

Course code



Dumfries Campus


You will attend college initially for two half days per week. This may be a blended approach of both online and face to face classes. Once your work experience begins you will spend a half day in college and a half day per week at your work placement. You will also require a minimum of 2 hrs per week to commit to studying and writing your reflective tasks/assessment tasks, there may be opportunity to extend your work experience to one day (which can be split across two half days)

Entry Requirements

For a place on this course, you’ll need:

  • Five relevant National 5s or equivalent, including English, OR 4 relevant National 5s, including English, and one successfully completed college academy course at SCQF level 5.
  • To have demonstrated achievement at SCQF Level 6 (Higher level).
  • Eligibility for the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme record
  • To be able to complete all the necessary hours in a work placement and attend your college lessons
  • A detailed, well written and accurate supporting statement outlining any relevant early learning and childcare work experience, skills and attributes that would be necessary to work with young children and your commitment, enthusiasm and aspirations for working in the sector.


Working in early learning and childcare services setting means you also need to be able to:

  • Interact and communicate respectfully with children and staff
  • Work with others
  • Problem-solve
  • Demonstrate empathy, patience and a genuine interest in others

A commitment to appropriate values is very important. If you’re interested in a career in working with children and families, you can use the interactive resource a question of care: a career for you. Here, you’ll answer a series of questions and receive a detailed personal profile at the end. A commitment to appropriate values is necessary and you can demonstrate this partly through responses in this resource. You may wish to use this on your written statement.….aspx

Information and Interview Session Requirements

Once we have received your application you may be asked to attend an information and interview session. This may be face to face, or online either through TEAMS or by phone.

This is a key aspect of the application process. You must confirm your attendance should you be offered an appointment.

During the information and interview session, we will ensure the entry requirements and your aspirations and career plan are appropriate for the course and the level of course you have applied for. It is therefore important that you prepare well for this.

Course Content

This course lets you find out what a career in social services working with children and young people would really be like – and if it’s right for you.

It includes:

  • The new National Progression Award (NPA) in Social Services: (Children and Young People)
  • Part of the Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) Social Services (Children and Young People).

Here’s a bit more on what’s involved:


The NPA will give you the knowledge you need for the SVQ, along with the practical skills required for delivering early learning and childcare opportunities for children.

Units include:

  • Safeguarding Children & Young People
  • Play for Children & Young People
  • Communication with Children & Young People
  • Development of Children & Young People
  • Promoting Wellbeing of Children & Young People


You’ll have the opportunity to undertake 5 of the SVQ Level 2 units of the Social Services (Children and Young People) award.

You must complete these 4 mandatory Units:

  • Support effective communication
  • Support the Health & Safety of yourself and individuals
  • Develop your own knowledge and practice
  • Support the safeguarding of children

Work Experience

You will be on a work placement one day per week during the year.

The placement can be a minimum of half a day but can be up to one full day if appropriate.

This placement will be in early learning and childcare and/or early primary school.


All components of the course are assessed.

The NPA Units are assessed in college and the SVQ Level 2 units are assessed in the workplace. These assessments are a mixture of written reflective accounts & practical application – you will carry out tasks and your assessor will observe you and say when you have shown that you can do them to the required occupational standard.

You will also keep a reflective log and produce accounts of practice to demonstrate your knowledge of related legislation, policies, theories, professional values and practical skills.


Once you’ve achieved this Foundation Apprenticeship, you will have gained an industry recognised qualification and work experience which will help in your future career. It can support your progress with a variety of pathways whether you plan to study at college, enrol on a Modern Apprenticeship or go into work. Some universities accept the Foundation Apprenticeship as one of their entry criteria to several courses.

You will have attained a strong foundation for moving onto a Modern Apprenticeship in Social Services (Children and Young People). This will qualify you as a support worker and practitioner in a range of services across the sector.

Career Prospects

Careers directly in Early Learning and Childcare including Support Worker, Nursery Practitioner, Nursery Nurse, Early Years Support Assistant, Out of School Care, Nursery Assistant. Progression pathways can lead to management roles in Early Learning & Childcare settings.

A variety of related careers in the field of social services including Social Worker, Supported Programme and Living Worker, Residential Childcare and Children’s Centre Worker, Youth Work.

This qualification is also very attractive to those wishing to pursue a career the teaching profession.

Additional funding information


Course Contact Details

Michelle Hodgson email

Selling Points

A Foundation Apprenticeship can help you fast-track into a Modern Apprenticeship

This qualification provides you with real experience in an Early Years setting.

You can choose a Foundation Apprenticeship as one of your subjects in S5 or S6 and it’s the same level as a higher

It can help you get into the college course you want

It can help to support your university application.

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